速報APP / 社交 / Dog Training Animalcoach.ch ZH

Dog Training Animalcoach.ch ZH



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Dog Training Animalcoach.ch ZH(圖1)-速報App

Dog trainer Animalcoach.ch Zürich - Carolina Jaroch

• Training courses overview

• Register for courses

• News and training locations

• Synchronized with your calendar

• Group chat for training groups

• Image gallery

• Push or email notifications - configurable

• Daily activity report via email

Dog trainer Animalcoach.ch Zürich is offering the following dog training courses:

• Puppy foundation courses

• Mandatory courses

Dog Training Animalcoach.ch ZH(圖2)-速報App

• Behavioral coaching

• Dummy training / Retriever training

• Truffle courses

• Everyday training

• Clicker training / Trick training

• Social Walks and dog meets dog

• Special groups for small breeds

• Dog SUP / Standup paddling with dogs

• Children with dogs

• Mantrailing

Owner and founder of dog training school Animalcaoch.ch in Zurich:

Carolina Jaroch, lic.iur., Hundeinstruktorin Certodog II, Hundepsychologin ATN, Welpenleiterin NF, Wesensbeurteilungen nach Certodog, Erwachsenenbildnerin SVEB I

E-Mail: zuerich@animalcoach.ch

Web: www.animalcoach.ch

支援平台:iPhone, iPad